About Us


Pastor Gary A. Hyman Sr.

The primary purpose of this Ministry is to teach the uncompromising Word of God and to declare the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. Our aim remains to minister by precept and example, teaching the body of Christ to walk in victory and to adopt a lifestyle that is beyond reproach.

In 1971, The Lord gave Dr. Henry and Rosa Smith a vision of a church of born again, Spirit Filled-Believers that would be governed solely by the principle and doctrines recorded in the Word of God. This church would in its teaching and growth operate within biblical principles instructing all the people in the Word. They would in turn learn how to rise from burned-out dreams and inadequate lifestyles, using clearly defined enlightened precepts of faith.

All of us working together play important roles in addressing the dynamic challenges of this Ministry, while meeting the spiritual needs of the “Sheep” God sends here.

In establishing Mount Gideon Faith Fellowship Church, in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, we were then, and as we are now, determined to operate as a “Ministry of Excellence” our whole objection is to be in submission to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We shall, therefore, endeavor to maintain the integrity of this Ministry so that it will remain above reproach and transparent to the world through its biblical teaching.

We will continually strive to achieve the same kind of love, compassion, faithfulness and motivation for service which is displayed by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

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